Fatherhood Learning Academy

Goal: The goal of the Fatherhood Learning Academy is to examine the breadth and depth of the fatherhood movement in the 20th and 21st century, and to deeply examining the policies and practices that have influenced fatherhood programming that have either encouraged or impeded father engagement.


Fatherhood Learning Academy Course Readings:

Your Journey to Coparenting by Dr. Jeffrey Johnson and Monica Johnson

“Turning Corner on Father Absence”

“An Evaluability Assessment of Responisble Fatherhood Programs”



Fatherhood Learning Academy Session 1 Materials

Session 1 Slides

Homework Assignment #1


Fatherhood Learning Academy Session 2 Materials

Session 2 Slides

Homework Assignment #2

The Inventory of Evidence-Based Fatherhood Programming Worksheet


Fatherhood Learning Academy Session 3 Materials

Session 3 Slides


Fatherhood Learning Academy Session 4 Materials

Session 4 Slides


Fatherhood Learning Academy Session 5 Materials

Session 5 Slides